Marie-Piere Belisle-Kennedy

Are you on par?

I am currently working on a book with a long time friend of mine, and with two busy entrepreneurs’ schedules to coordinate, it is no easy task to stay on target with our writing and editing assignments. We are both really dedicated to offering this book of insights to others from all walks of life, since it is […]

Boutique-hotels can teach everyone about customer service

In recent years, the term “boutique” provider has been coined as the highest standard of personalized customer care in many industries. So how do those high-end boutique hotels do it so well, effortlessly and seamlessly? It’s all in the details, they would casually tell you, but you can’t “buy” the right attitude or the enthusiasm of […]

New website launch!

Hello and thanks for reading the blog page, where I hope to faithfully update you on the going-ons of 5 Star Communications and related personal news. This week we are trying to launch the “official” website as fast as we can, so please excuse the funny format and pictures at – this is just a test! […]