Marie-Piere Belisle-Kennedy

Just a few of our published ski magazine articles

Yes it may be still bikini weather now but we have already published our fall ski magazine articles… stay tuned! Until then, here are a few of our past features available online from Ski Canada magazine: What’s new in the province of Quebec, ski resort-wise? Find out here Read more about Mogul King and […]


By Marie-Piere Belisle-Kennedy, lifestyle journalist & owner of 5 Star Communications Copyright 2015. The yoga mats are rolled away, the friendly hugs, the smiling nods in Namaste… But what do we take really away? Still on a mountain air high from spending the last three days as a reporter at the world-acclaimed Wanderlust Festival in […]

Work less… for more success!

The irony of this blogpost title versus keeping your nose to the grindstone may cause a few to scratch their head and tilt it ever so gently sideways… Most of our generation was brought up to believe in the “Rise early, work hard, strike gold…” mentality. Yet the unsung key to entrepreneurial success is growing […]

Attempting the ridiculous leads to the miraculous

If not miracles, I believe thinking out of the box often leads to unforeseen decent results. This is what the world needs now to solve the oil spill which is really a global problem, not just one company’s failure but an entire industry’s and eco-system we are all a part of. May the curious, odd […]